Our sticker kit arrived and great news the colours were absolutely spot on, as you can tell from the photo, so with a really early start at exactly sometime on a Monday morning we laid out the stickers onto the car. However we had a disaster ! it looked like the colours had been printed back to front with the red and green transposed Marc and i looked at this problem for at least 5 minutes before retiring for another coffee. Our options were to stick them on anyway and hoped no one would notice, paint our own after all or take photos and ring the supplier.
A quick phone call later to Autograph graphics
http://www.autographgraphics.co.uk/ and
Ben was kindly listening to our plight. he agreed to look at the pictures and see what had happened.
After a return call, and myself and Marc assuring him that we had tried everything he patiently suggested that we turn the stickers the other way up.....
Silence followed as I looked at Marc and he looked at me.
We did what Ben said with the actions of sheepish 2 year olds.
We looked at the floor and shuffled our feet.
As I was holding the phone it fell to me to salvage what dignity could be retrieved from this debacle . My mouth opened but no words fell forth. I felt that Ben was actually watching us. "well Ben Marc and I are a right couple of plums" was the best that I could say.
the kit they supplied is absolutely spot on, the reservations we had at first were proved to be completely unfounded, the picture on Ebay does not do there product for the Celica justice. Thanks also to Ben who was very patient and professional when we rang