Our next stop was to be Manuels pad, here we were introduced to fine wine, local restaurants and a very enjoyable and informative tour of the Bishops Palace in Wurzburg, a local Wine Châteaux and vineyards.
Wurzburg is quite frankly an awe-inspiring place, Baroque in architecture and vibrant in spirit. We were taken by Manuel to the Bishops Palace, here we enjoyed a private tour (Manuel who had been studying history was working as a tour guide among many of his other attributes) so was able to take us beyond the areas usually seen by the public. Unfortunately no photos could be taken within the Palace, and I will not attempt to describe what was seen as quite frankly my writing style could not convey the true beauty, elegance and extravagance of the interior. Suffice to say I have seen the largest unsupported fresco in Europe and can tell you that it depicts good vs evil and an ascension into heaven.
The box full of heads though, did slightly freak me out. And no that is not a typo.
Outside we were able to park the car directly outside (you can tell this is not the U.K)